Friday, January 25, 2019

WEEKLY HATE #01 - retards in PE class

from now on, every single monday I will be dedicating a blog post to something I particularly hate.


Every single PE class I have to deal with dipshits that have been dipped in autism. I  just can't understand how do this people lose their shit over a dumb sports game for PE FRIGGIN CLASS! We're playing volleyball and I drop the ball. Everyone starts shouting at me and going full retarded like some pre historic creatures. But if this retards were in a group work with me for a physics project and I got mad at them for not knowing the laws of thermodynamics they wouldn't give a fuck. People always treat me like shit during pe, screaming like animals at me for no reason other than I am not a god damn athelete. But then all of those lifeless slaves of the ball want my help during tests and anything that actually requires a functioning brain or more than 1 brain cell. What really makes me uncomfortable is the fact that this retards that scream about stuff like this are most part of the fucking people in the whole school. Does that mean that most of the human population is more bothered about someone's athletic skills and build amthan their intellect and academic efforts? If I screamed with this mentally challenged abortions during any project the way they scream with me about sports they would be like " You have to understand that there are people that are smarter than other people " Well, THEN YOU HAVE TO GET THAG NOT EVERYONE'S LIFE REVOLVES AROUND RUNNING AFTER A BALL YOU FUCKING MORONS.
I am not that bad at sports, I have an actual coordination issue and eyesight problem that makes me bad at many sports. But this retards can't take physical disadvantages like mine into consideration, while I have to considerate their lack of brain cells and their brain that is as big as god damn peanut. I will always absolutely hate this. Fuck everyone for being such apathetic puppets.
Das ist alles.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

cool firecracker videos

The world sucks, but happily there are some things that ain't that bad! I fucking love firecrackers and the following videos are just the good shit:

(TheOftlerer channel is very fucking cool, he's a german guy that sets a fuckton of bigass firecrackers on fire) ( i laughed my ass off with this one )

Das ist alles
Resultado de imagem para firecrackers gif

Thursday, January 3, 2019

welcome to 1999

welcome everyone to the year of 1999!
This is the year I go into college! The year I leave the web.
1998 was shit as usual. All years are shit because everything is man made and mankind is what comes up in the dictionary next to cow turd. At least I hope that I am more productive during 1999, that I am able to fulfill my goals. I have a fuckton of doom wads to play through and I am planning to make some myself ( I'll drop a a link here for anyone interested in the shit I do and feels like downloading it , it won't be much kb ). Maybe this year my school won't be as repulsive as usually but that probability is lower than the probability of me liking pop music. I am looking forward to upgrade my setup for gaming. I am getting this new crt that has really good images. Hope I can at least feel like the year wasn't useless just like the previous ones. 
People are like, "oh I gotta start the year the right way" or " new year new me ", BITCH, the human population could have settled the year arrangement in a total different way. Years and al time things were made to be practical, nothing else. Big corporations take advantage and make up all the holidays. New year's eve has it's own props and decorations that are expensive, and since every year is different not everyone keeps the decorations from the previous year. 
People put so many hopes and they act like they are changed. It's like every basic bitch has an epiphany on new year's eve. Change takes effort, discipline and a fuckton of patience, not a period of 365 days. Before you know it january is gone, and when you close your eyes there goes the millennium and you are inside your grave! 
Related image

going mc fucking crazy

That's simply it