Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Windows 95 skyline

Wie gehts
I am at school, what a surpise, the sky is alway so blue here. But I don't like this blue. This blue is so specific, it seems like it equals the hex code fore the windows 95 desktop bakground. And it never changes, why would that be?(websage version #009999) ( CHECK IT OUT FUCKERS ~ )
The sky sometimes also goes into windows 2000 ( check it:
Is this even real? I have no clue, but for the estimated 1715 days I have spent under this specific part ofth sky why have I been only exposed to certain colors? What is it? What is going on? I have no actual clue. As the bus leaves the school driveway I see that god damned hex color up there every day, and it always seems like the whole place has this 70's film camera filter on top of it? Everything is so dream like I really can't grasp what has been going on for the past 6 years.
Das ist alles

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going mc fucking crazy

That's simply it